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Executive Compass offers bid and tender writing services for companies of all sizes and across all industries. Following the identification of a suitable opportunity, we will support you in creating a bid strategy to assist with your bidding process, draft carefully crafted responses that reflect your unique selling points and compile all required documents to ensure your tender remains compliant. We can also support portal uploads and can provide tender ‘checklists’ of documents required.

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What Is a Tender? A Tender Definition Explained

A tender, also known as an invitation to tender, a request for tender or a bid, is a formal, structured process for procuring goods or services. A tender can come in many forms and sizes, depending on the preferences of the buyer and the level of detail required to make an informed contract award. Generally, a tender is split into two elements on which a bidder is evaluated: price and quality. The four main types of tender exercises are outlined below:

Types of Tender:

  • Open tender: This type of tender is open to all interested suppliers or contractors who meet the pre-qualification criteria. It is publicly advertised on sites such as Contracts Finder, allowing any eligible bidder to submit their proposal.
  • Restricted tender: In a restricted tender, only a select group of suppliers or contractors are invited to submit proposals. The invitation is based on pre-qualification criteria or a shortlisting process.
  • Single-stage tender: In a single-stage tender, the procurement process involves a single step. Bidders submit their technical and commercial proposals together in response to the tender advertisement.
  • Negotiated tender: In a negotiated tender, the buyer engages in direct negotiations with one or more suppliers or contractors. This type of tender is usually used for specialised or complex projects where the buyer seeks customised solutions or requires input from potential bidders during the tendering process.

To find out more about the types of tenders, read our previous article.

Tendering from the Buyer’s Point of View:

The buyer (i.e. housing authority, local council, central government department, etc.) requiring goods/services will issue a contract notice to the market. Typically, this will include details such as the scope, range, value, geographical location and other contract conditions of the works or services, so bidders understand the work in question and can make an informed assessment of whether it is suitable for their business.

If the buyer is in the public sector and the contract is over a specific amount, they are required by law to issue a call for tenders. Sometimes, a group of authorities will get together to form a purchasing consortium to issue a request for tenders via a framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system. Like a cooperative, they’re hoping that by combining their services and advertising a large contract, they can get better value for money from their suppliers for goods or services. The buyer will ask potential bidders for expressions of interest, followed by a standardised pre-qualification questionnaire, and specific information within the tender documents comprised loosely of a pricing and quality element.

Tendering from the Bidder’s Point of View:

What is a tender in the eyes of a bidder? Your organisation and other potential suppliers will submit bids for the live contract opportunity, essentially acting as applications to deliver works. Some bidders will be disqualified at the first stage due to non-compliance or not meeting minimum criteria, whilst others will proceed to the pre-qualification stage (used to assess capabilities/experience), and fewer still will be asked to complete the full tender response documentation. After the buyer has evaluated the tender submissions, one supplier (or more if the contract is a framework) will be awarded the contract. This is known as the bidding process.

Typically, the organisation wanting to bid for a contract opportunity will come to Executive Compass because they have a live tender to complete. Services could range from the construction of a modular build office to the supply of home care services or grounds maintenance for a housing association. There are several reasons organisations choose to use a bid writing service, such as limited in-house capacity to complete the project, lack of tendering experience, or simply lack of resources, therefore outsourcing the process. With a typical turnaround time of around five to six weeks, we are highly experienced at responding to open tenders while adhering to tight, inflexible deadlines.

Where are Tenders Published?

Relevant legislation such as the Public Contract Regulations 2015 requires government tenders to be subject to a fair, transparent bidding process, which includes the publication of contract notices for all qualifying tender opportunities. This means that, unlike private sector contracts and opportunities, the vast majority of public sector requests for tender will be hosted in a free-to-use, publicly accessible location.

Contract notices will be published on the following websites:

  • Contracts Finderopen tender notices for all public sector contracts with a value exceeding £12,000 (including VAT) for England and non-devolved bodies, such as HMRC or the UK Border Force, and £30,000 for subcentral authorities like local councils and schools.
  • Find a Tender hosting tender notices for high-value public sector contracts in the UK with a lifetime contract value exceeding £138,760, as per the newest update from PPN 01/23.
  • Your local council – like central government, local authorities such as London borough councils or Newcastle City Council are obliged to post contract notices for tenders, which are normally available on the business and commerce sections of their websites.
  • Specialist procurement groups – buyers often outsource the bidding process to groups such as Pagabo, LHC, NEPO and YPO who will advertise tender opportunities on their websites.

Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have their own procurement websites, for tender opportunities within their devolved administrative boundaries. Occasionally, different regulations for the bidding process apply – for example, Scottish buyers use the SPD instead of the Standard Selection Questionnaire used by central government bodies and devolved English authorities.

To receive notices for contract opportunities, you can sign up for notifications on relevant portals and websites. This can be tailored so you can receive relevant updates based on the types of works or services you offer and the geographic region in which you operate and can cover.

What is Involved in the Tendering Process?

Although the tendering process will vary slightly depending on the contract, it typically involves the following stages:

  1. The tender is advertised and bidders must register their interest to access the tender documents.
  2. The tender submission – this stage involves completing a tender document explaining how you will deliver the contract.
  3. Tender evaluation – following submission, the buyer will assess the tender submission and select the winner of the bidding process, in accordance with the prescribed evaluation criteria found in the tender documents.
  4. Notice to award – applicants are informed of the outcome, and a 10-day standstill is put in place for applicants to appeal the decision.

To find out more about the tendering process, see our Simple Facts About The Tendering Process article.

How is the Tender Process Marked and Why is It Marked This Way?

The tender documents typically include a table detailing how marks are awarded – for example, full marks are awarded to tender responses that address all of the requirements in detail, with lower marks awarded where elements of the question have either not been answered, or not answered in sufficient detail. Marks are then accumulated across the quality responses, with overall marks distributed based on the percentage weighting.

For the pricing element, the process typically follows a ‘most economically advantageous tender’ whereby the lowest price is awarded top scores, with incremental decreases applied to other bidders. The two scores are then combined to identify the winning tender.

A tender is evaluated this way to ensure transparency and fairness. All suppliers will be marked against a scoring matrix to ensure the company that offers the best value for money, products and/or services will be appointed as a supplier via a formal offer. This is particularly important when it comes to spending the public’s money, so it is not just evaluated on the bid price.

What makes a quality tender submission?

As a business, you must impress the contracting authority and really stand out from the competition throughout the bidding process. Your tender document should answer exactly what they ask, reflect the tender requirements and use innovative ideas or added value you will bring to the contract to stand out. When it comes to tender writing, this may fall to the business development team or you may have a dedicated bid writer within your organisation. Whoever is in charge of the bidding process must be aware of the procurement procedures and have exceptional writing skills to ensure the tender submission is completed to a high standard.