Our tried and tested bid review service of your completed PQQ or tender is intended for those who manage their public sector tenders and who do not require our bid and tender writing services, but who would like an additional pair of eyes, and an external point of view to make sure the submission is of the highest quality and to improve win rates.
Bid Review Process
What does a good review look like?
Our external bid practitioner will review each bid response to ensure:
- Addresses the question in full, with content which is smooth and easy for the evaluator to read and assess
- Includes, persuasive, evidence-based content to strengthen the overall credibility to your proposals and methodology for delivery
- Is relevant to the question being posed by the authority, and does not include irrelevant or generic content
- Complies with the requirements of the contract specification and all other documents included in the tender pack.
Key Elements of Our Bid & Tender Review Service:
Our professional bid review includes:
- Fully marked-up documents, with comments and suggested amendments for your bid response
- A compliance check, flagging any element which our interpretation would deem as noncompliant or result in loss of marks
- Identifying areas for improvement. If we feel your bid will not score the maximum marks available, we will provide suggestions and points to consider
- Detailed review and expert feedback of each response with objective and constructive criticism
- Appraisal and review of case studies and contract examples
- Advice on presentation improvements
- Input from professional bid writers and reviewers who have written and won thousands of tenders
- Cover-to-cover proofreading (if requested).

We engaged Executive Compass for their objective thinking and pragmatism in reviewing tenders submissions. We presented them with a challenging deadline, and were thoroughly impressed with not only the quick turnaround but the high quality of output. Executive Compass delivered exactly what we asked for, in a manner exceeding expectation. Having Executive Compass on hand to support with our big ticket opportunities has proved very worthwhile.