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Organisations may think they don’t need bid writing training, but situations change. The market changes, as does legislation, and a way of operating that has suited your team for years may no longer be what the market wants. Training will ensure you keep on top of shifts in the market and in the way your team operates: tender writing is a skill that needs to be nourished and improved on a regular basis.
We discuss five main benefits of training your bid team:
Reviewing and aligning bid processes
The nature of bid writing and tendering for contracts means that you are constantly busy: it is common to be inundated with last minute proposals and lengthy submissions. Bid teams rarely have time to reflect on their processes and review them.
Undertaking training is a good opportunity to check that you have a structure in place for your bids, and that the whole team is adhering to the same process, starting with the bid/no bid decision, through to the writing and reviewing process, and taking time to utilise feedback properly for future bids. We find the training sessions help to align the bid team, which ultimately makes the process more efficient during those busy periods.
Improve knowledge and score more marks
It is rare that a bid team or organisation has a 100% success rate when it comes to tendering. Our training includes an external opinion of your previous PQQ and tender submissions to highlight any weaknesses or areas for focus. For example, it may be that you are constantly scoring lower marks on social value questions – focusing some of the training session on this topic will ensure that delegates improve their knowledge in this area and can score more marks in future submissions.

Increase writing skills
It may seem a simple point, but it is often overlooked that bid writing does focus on your writing skills! Yes, a tender submission is often compliance-driven and ticking boxes, but it is also heavily focused on delivering persuasive narration to the buyer on why you are the best company for the job.
Training develops your bid writers’ current style and skill set to one that will get all information across in the format that is acceptable to the contracting authority, and is easy to read and backed-up by statistics and evidence.
Provide competitive advantage
A common statement we hear is that organisations score good marks in a tender, but often lose out marginally to a competitor. Bid writing training allows you to not only identify any current weaknesses but to identify your competitive advantage through reviewing the market and highlighting what makes you different and how this can used to win more contracts. This can be taken one step further by identifying what your buyer’s strategic aims and objectives are, and ensuring that your company can align with this in your tender response and be easily identifiable as the correct company for the contract.
Win more contracts!
Above all, the main aim when seeking bid writing training is to help your company to win more contracts. Our training is delivered by an experienced bid writer; our bid writers have completed hundreds of tenders and have been involved in even more, meaning they are best placed to work with your organisation to identify any gaps and barriers to further success.
It may sometimes need just a few small changes to secure more contracts, or it may take further work to drive up success rates; each company is different and therefore our CPD-certified training workshops are bespoke and tailored to your requirements.
Click here to find out more about our beginners and advanced training courses or contact our team to discuss your requirements in further detail.