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As a bid writing firm, naturally, we write a great deal on a daily basis. Just for fun, we recently decided to look at our team’s yearly output and what this equates to — you may be quite surprised (we were!).
At Executive Compass we have eight full time bid writers, all fully employed by the company and experienced in the PQQ and tender writing process. On average, our writers produce around 2,000 words a day. This takes into account other daily tasks such as capture planning, client meetings and collating information.
We took our eight writers’ average 2,000 words a day and worked this out across the whole year, minus holidays, and we came out with a whopping 3.8 million words written by the team each year.

3.8 million words — what does this equate to?
We have written:
War and Peace 6½ times
81 copies of The Great Gatsby
350,000 Christmas cracker jokes
The Oxford English Dictionary 22 times
Almost 5 copies of The Bible
228,000 full boards of Scrabble
12,667 A4 pages of words
We are not saying we are creative enough to write some of these titles: however, when it comes to bids and tenders we do have 3.8 million words’ worth of experience! This is spread across a breadth of industries and a plethora of projects and values.
To discuss how our team can assist you, contact us today and we will be happy to talk through your bid and tender writing requirements.