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Certifications, accreditations and memberships when tendering

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With tendering opportunities becoming increasingly competitive, holding relevant industry accreditations, certifications and memberships can be an excellent method to distinguish yourself from other competitors and maximise success; and may also be requested by procurement authorities.

Below we take a look at some of the common certifications, accreditations and memberships our bid writers and clients come across, alongside explanations of their benefits.

What certifications, accreditations and memberships are available?

Notable certifications, accreditations and memberships commonly requested as part of the public sector procurement pass/fail requirements include:

Industry-specific memberships

Depending on the contract opportunity, the tendering organisation may also need to be a registered member of industry-specific bodies. Examples that we commonly encounter when supporting our clients include:

For specific industries, tenderers will also be legally required to be members of certain bodies. For instance, providers of personal care in England would need to be registered with CQC, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland, or the Care Inspectorate Wales in Wales.

Additional benefits

By holding various certifications, accreditations and memberships, tendering organisations can expect to realise various benefits, including:

Certifications and memberships can also provide organisations access to expert and technical advice concerning your industry, meaning you can draw on support to overcome issues, as well as identify innovative pieces of equipment or working practices that can be implemented to deliver efficiencies, improve health and safety, and provide clients added value.

Tender writing support

With extensive experience writing tenders, our team can offer consultatory support during the initial tender planning and storyboarding process, ensuring our clients are aware of pertinent requirements and are informed of any certifications, memberships etc. they may wish to obtain to maximise their chance of success. Contact our team today for a free consultation.


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