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Crown Commercial Services Workplace Services (FM Marketplace Phase 2)

Phase 2 of the FM marketplace is now live, and Crown Commercial Services are looking for over 100 suppliers to join the framework, with an estimated value of £11.4 billion. We provide an explanation of the framework, who it is suitable for and what you can expect to see in the tender submission.

Overview of the framework

The framework is split into the following lots and sub-lots for different services:

Lot 1 Security

Sub-lot 1a: Security services, such as manned guarding requirements = approximately 40 suppliers

Sub-lot 1b: Technical security, such as CCTV systems, perimeter fencing, gates and access control = approximately 30 suppliers

Lot 2 Housing

Sub-lot 2a: Defence housing management services (national) = 5 suppliers

Sub-lot 2b: Defence housing maintenance services (regional) = up to 6 suppliers and reserve of a further 4 suppliers

Sub-lot 2c: Housing maintenance and management services (for example, to the residential estate of social housing providers within the wider public sector) = approximately 30 suppliers

Lot 3 – Defence Facilities Management

Four separate contracts

Is the contract national?

CCS states that: “Bidders do not need to be able to deliver in every location, they are able to indicate the areas they wish to deliver in the Selection Questionnaire question”.

What to expect to see in the tender submission and evaluation

CCS will be evaluating a large volume of tender bids, and have provided stringent evaluation criteria:

  1. Compliance check
  2. Quality evaluation
  3. Consensus (discussion between the evaluators)
  4. Quality threshold
  5. Evaluate pricing
  6. Final score
  7. Award

There are mandatory questions and lot-specific questions that you will need to answer based upon the different service areas. Topics in the lot-specific questions include quality management, management of sub-contractors, innovation and social value.

Next steps for bidders

If you are interested in finding out more or bidding for the CCS framework you can register your company’s interest here.

There is a bidder webinar for all bidders taking place on 21 September 2018 and the deadline for all bids to be submitted is 3.00pm 19 October 2018. The contract will be awarded 18 February 2019.

Professional bid writing support

Executive Compass have written numerous successful bids for CCS contracts, including the G-Cloud 10 framework, IT services framework, supply teachers framework and management consultancy framework.

Our team can support you throughout the full bidding process to ensure your tender bid is of the highest quality to secure a place on the framework. We offer full bid writing support, review services, and a mixture of the two, to suit your requirements and budget. Contact our team today to discuss how we can help.

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